Pubg Mobile Lite Config File

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In This File I will Provide You High Damage, Zero Recoil and Aim bot Features.

About Pubg Mobile Lite:

Pubg Mobile Lite is an online multiplayer game. This game is a lite version of Pubg Mobile, which is designed for mobile with less RAM, you can play this game very easily in 1GB RAM mobile, inside this game you will like  - You get to see maps of any kind, you can play you in any way, like the classic match TDM match and war match within this game.

The classic match is of 15 minutes within which the total of 60 players are landed on an island with the help of a Aeroplane and

all the 60 players have to fight among themselves, the last one player left is the winner of this game |  Which is called Winner Winner Chicken Dinner and within TDM Mod a total of 8 players are face to face which 4 players are in a team and 4 players in a team who make the first 40 kills will be the winner of this game.  It is, from time to time, new events and winner Pass in this game keep coming, so that the players can have more fun playing the game and the player never gets bored of the game, so new updates keep coming in it.  With the player always getting new things and playing the player game continuously, this video game has been made by Chinese company Tencent and South Korean company Krafton, China company Tencent has 25 percent rights in this game and  South Korea's company Krafton has 75% rights, this game is very much liked.

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